воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

captain cook melbourne

I need the smiley emoticon with the ??? over the top of its head to sum up yesterday. I think I am going to have to learn to be LESS excited as opposed to being over the top b/c when you expect so much, you are often disappointed. I expected to clear lots of money on my stuff. Needless to say that didnapos;t occur. I donapos;t know if it was the economy or what, I would like to think so. That way I donapos;t feel like a total failure. I probably made about $20 all told. Shit. Shit. Dammit.

The good parts included spending the day with a good friend, catching up on things. She was selling her photography and did very well, as opposed to myself. No one else was selling what she was while many others were selling what I was. Dammit.

The day started off with a large cup of suck. As I was pulling up to my friendapos;s lawn, I hit one of those goddamn sewer things and cut a tire. Wonderful...seeing as I was supposed to be the one driving. Thank GOD my friendapos;s husband was able to help me out with this. We left my car. He took us down to the park with his truck. CrapQuest got us lost. Whomever programs CrapQuest should be flogged. Mapquest has gotten me more lost than any other service. They could not suck any harder.

Anyway once we worked out where we were to go, friendapos;s DH stuck around to help us set up and then left. People began arriving at the show about 9 and did not let up til about 3:30pm. My mom and SIL came and so did others from work.

Side Rant-I should learn that when my supposed apos;friendsapos; get all worked up about something I am doing and telling me that they will be there, donapos;t believe them. I had more fucking people up my ass this past week going "When is your thing again?" "Where is it?" and then I send them flyers via email and in one case through snail mail and never hear word one. WTF is wrong with people? When I SAY I AM GOING TO BE SOMEWHERE...I AM THERE And for fuckapos;s sakes, if I cannot be there, I let them know why. I just donapos;t leave them hanging.

I am planning to try to get a spot at the Wagon Wheel before Xmas and all these people can basically go fuck themselves. I know that sounds bad but I am sick and fucking tired of putting myself out for people that donapos;t give me the same courtesy. I have been thinking about doing the flea market anyway and naturally one of my promise all and then flake out friends always is saying "Oh yeah, letapos;s get a spot together." Yeah and black potbelly pigs will fly out of my ass first In other words, I am not fucking holding my breath.� I guess I am just going to just do what I NEED to do and let the chips fall as they may.

From here forth, the ONLY people that NEED to know which art shows Iapos;m doing and which days I am going to the flea market will know about it. The rest of these deadwoods can sit and spin.

Yesterday was a good day in other aspects but naturally I was sick with worry about my car and then people flaked out on me. But the person I counted on the most was there for me and that raises her in my mind. Barb is the one. She was sharing space with me and was committed from Day 1. We both got really excited and the plan now is to do more art shows and things. I want to expand into doing tie-dye and and doing things with fabrics. We passed ideas back and forth yesterday and observed other vendors and what they did that worked. For the educational benefits, I got those needs met tenfold.

I really donapos;t want to spend my time feeling bitter about people being people, flaky as they can be. My mind needs to keep on what the next step is going to be. I also need to be more realistic. The economy sucks and people are just trying to get by and disposable income is not what it used to be. CircusMcGurkis was packed yesterday and I believe it was due to the fact that 1) the weather� being nice and 2) you didnapos;t have to pay to get in.

I did contribute well to some vendors. I stocked up on tie-dye and got some great shirts.

Well now that I got the rant out of my way, I feel so much better.

asult, captain cook melbourne, captain cook monument, captain cook monument hawaii, captain cook picture.

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