понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Garriga has drained me of my enthusiasm for genetics. He is scattered, his notes are harder to follow, and I have trouble staying awake during his lectures. I never had that issue with Urnov. And I am cranky as a result.

On the upside, I have mostly caught up on lectures, sans the ones I missed on Friday as a result of a rather awkward appointment. I just need to make sure I can stay afloat for the quizzes I have this week.

I freaking love cell biology. How fitting that itapos;s the class Iapos;m just taking for shits and giggles and not something I actually need to graduate. I am digging signal transduction, the MAP Kinase cascade (God, I could talk about MAP Kinase Kinase Kinase, MAP Kinase Kinase, and MAP Kinase all day), and G-Protein coupled receptors. So thereapos;s that.

And plant morphology is, well, plant morphology. Although while walking through the garden at Thai Temple today, I noticed a plant that had opposite decussate phyllotaxy. So that was kind of exciting.

Had ridiculously good Korean food (and spent a shit ton of money) on Friday, amidst embarrassing myself with my lack of Korean. But man if I donapos;t want more meat.

Did absolutely nothing on Saturday except maybe two lectures for cell bio; spent most of the day lazing about and topped it off with Mario Kart, Monkey Island, and red wine. I had dinner with my aunt at Goldilocks in Pleasant Hill and came home with a shit ton of desserts which I am intending to consume over the course of the following week while bitching and moaning about genetics problem sets. I form healthy habits.

Thai Temple this morning, and had way too much Thai tea. Had the beef noodle soup for the first time, and my was it delicious. This morning was the perfect weather for it as well. Also had the Khanom Krog and had a bunch of mini foodgasms. That stuff is amazing.

Compensated for my lackluster performance yesterday by spending five hours in the library and going over more lectures. More Monkey Island, then, the highlight of my exciting weekend, dinner at Rikyu with Josh. Most. Amazing. Sushi. Ever. Super fresh everything, and I nearly died while eating squid and scallops. I was so content with life at that moment that I was dreading returning home to study. I think the appropriate follow up would have been more hedonism, coupled with intoxication on a Sunday night (in your face, responsibility). But unfortunately, Iapos;ve been doing too much shirking lately. So I did another confusing genetics lecture and cursed Garriga out loud.

Clearly, I just need a fucking job. And a vacation from my life would also be nice, but thatapos;s very unlikely. Once I get a decent job offer, I will stop feeling guilty about everything. Well, maybe not, but probably most things.

I need sleep.

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